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The Bapty Day Care Nursery & Primary School


The School’s Journey


In 2012, The Bapty Day Care Nursery and Primary School opened in Kabale in the south western part of Uganda. The school started with 6 children and the number has grown to over 100 by the beginning of 2015. It started in temporary buildings and on rented land. In two years we have been able to purchase a piece of land and build 3 classrooms plus a play centre, helped by friends and family of Dr Bapty after whom the school is named.


One of the highlights of the nursery school was in February 2014 when the pupils graduated, having completed a year in the nursery section.


At the beginning of 2014, the government granted permission for two classes, Primary 1 and Primary 2 which have been added to the existing school. The school was registered officially with the Ministry of Education and now follows the national curriculum. 


Building commenced for primary classes and Primary 3 will be ready for the new school year in February 2015.


The Nursery is made up of:

Baby class: Age 2-3
Middle class: Age 3-4
Top class: Age 4-5

The Primary School is made up of:
Primary 1: Age 5
Primary 2: Age 6
Primary 3: Age 6-7

Click to download the latest Bapty School Newsletter







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Thank you to our supporters


Thanks to all our supporters, GSN was able to buy supplies and support school children and their families during the Covid-19 lockdown. While the school was closed, the children were missing out on 2 meals a day. Instead, beans, posho, rice, salt, and soap were distributed to parents and children at home, while also ensuring Uganda's distancing guidelines.

The news of this support to families from the Bapty School has spread through Kabale and the district as no other school was offering generosity like this. 

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Good Shepherd Network  |  Charity Registration No: 1154573

Registered Address: 50 Maudlin Drive, Teignmouth, Devon, TQ14 8SB, United Kingdom


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